
Store your vehicle in our secure dedicated area for vehicles.

$130 - $180 per month
$30 - $41.50 per week

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Your storage requirements:

9m2 - 15m2

Can store the furnishings of 1 - 2 bedrooms from $200 per month

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16m2 - 24m2

Can accommodate a 3 bedroom house from $275 per month

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25m2 - 40m2

Holds the contents of a 5 bedroom house from $330 per month

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Store your vehicle from $130 per month

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Country Lane Storage

From space limitations to the desire to store treasured items in one clean, safe environment…the reasons why you need storage are endless. The solution is simple. Country Lane Storage - secure, easy to access, storage units you pack with all your precious items then lock up, using your own lock, so only you can ever enter your unit.

You can rent for short or long periods of time, choose from a range of unit sizes to suit your needs and in no time at all, have everything stored neatly in one tidy, clean, secure place which you can visit anytime between 7am and 7pm.

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